I love tomato juice but never had tried a Bloody Mary. The name just turned me off from the drink. However, on one of our trips back home we visited my friend Renee while she was bar-tendering and I actually tried a little bit - and realized it was really good!
I decided that I would try to make it at home. I found a recipe on allrecipes.com that looked similar to what I watched Renee make - however there was no horseradish in this recipe. I'm not sure how the horseradish comes about in the recipe because when I looked traditional recipes up, none mentioned it. I love the addition though - mostly because I love a kick!
Did Grumpy like it? Well, Grumpy didn't drink it and he wouldn't even if he had been around when I made it! He has his mind set on certain things that he is totally unwilling to try - and this drink would be one of them. So I made it to try when he wasn't here! 😉
Bloody Mary
recipe adapted from allrecipes.com Classic Bloody Mary
Love Bloody Marys! Although we don't have them very often. We make ours with a spicy tomato juice. Gives it an extra kick!
Yum, one of my favorites! Just found your blog and am a new follower!
- Jessica @ http://cajunlicious.com
this looks so refreshing!
I would try a Virgin Bloody Mary someday (since I don't drink). 😉 My husband LOVES tomato juice (v-8), so he'd probably love this, too.
Lana @ Never Enough Thyme
A Bloody Mary is my favorite drink for brunch. I sometimes make them with V-8 juice, too. Need to get your veggies, right?